Our Projects

Construction and Maintenance of Restroom

SMILE Swachalaya

One of Smile Charitable Trust’s major current projects involves constructing clean and well-maintained washroom facilities across India. We have completed constructing more than 300 toilets schools across Karnataka state and maintaining them. Lack of proper sanitation facilities in our rural schools has been a major reason for girl students dropping out and discontinuing their studies. There are only a few functioning bathrooms and the ones present suffer from a lack of maintenance


What we do

Biggest achievement

Educational Welfare For Underprivileged Children

SMILE Vidyarthi

SMILE Charitable Trust works towards the educational welfare of students from underprivileged backgrounds. We ensure that tuition fees, uniforms, shoes, and study materials are provided for all the students we take under our care, irrespective of their academic marks.


What we do

Biggest achievement

A Pilot Project Started in 2019

Transgender Employment

SMILE Charitable Trust truly believes in creating equal employment opportunities. To take this mission forward, we started giving employment opportunities to transgenders. They help paint the toilets that we construct.

They Need Your Help!

Your contribution will go a long way in helping the cause. We’re working towards uplifting an entire society, both in terms of building the basic sanitary infrastructure and providing quality education at the grassroots level. We need the support of one and all.

Come, be a part of our journey. Come, donate!